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Extremely Hot Summer Vacation? Here's what you can do to beat the summer blues

Here are 7 tips on How to Beat the Summer Heat and Make the Most of Your Vacation

Hello my dear Chaibuddies! How are you doing? Summer is here, and with it comes the most awaited summer vacations. But also the scorching heat that can make you feel drained and unproductive. However, you don't have to let the heat get you down – there are plenty of ways to beat the heat and make the most of your summer vacation.

Summer Beach - Designed by me!

1. Take Advantage of Indoor Activities

You may be planning gully cricket with your buddies or hopping out! But feel disappointed because of the sun and reports of people succumbing to heat-stroke? When the sun is at its peak and the heat is unbearable, it's a good idea to stay indoors and take advantage of air-conditioned spaces. There are many activities that you can do indoors like: 
  • tidying up and re-decorating your room to suit the summer theme or with a cooler theme.
  • gardening and taking care of your plants, who may need some extra attention during summers.
  • spending time with your pets: engaging in pet-training activities.
  • reading books as much as possible.
  • spending time with family: trust me there can be a lot to share and learn from your mom, dad, siblings, cousins, grandparents, uncles and aunt - who knows where you get the next big idea or inspiration for your life
  • playing indoor games like chess, table tennis, sudoku puzzles, etc.
  • indoor-exercises, yoga and meditation, etc.

2. Or perhaps visit places where you can be indoors-outside

Now, if you are someone who is craving to head out and finally leave your nest for a couple hours especially if you have been studying for any tests before your vacations, there's an idea for you as well.
Visit museums, head to movie theatres, libraries or art galleries near you to stay cool yet productive. If you are a history buff, you can make the most of this opportunity to learn a lot about various things on such visits. And more often than not, cinema halls are air-conditioned and inside malls. So,  you have an amazing option to enjoy outside, yet inside. Make sure to reach your destination before noon, when the sun is at it's prime

3. Stay Hydrated

Irrespective of whether you choose to be inside your house or head outside, the most important step to beat the heat is to stay hydrated. Make sure you drink plenty of water and eat a lot of juicy fruits throughout the day. Carrying a water bottle with you is indeed a great idea. While aerated drinks may have their advantages, it's a good idea to avoid sugary drinks that can dehydrate you quickly. Instead, you can also add some flavours to your water by adding lemon, mint, or cucumber slices. It can be a fun time to experiment and learn about different flavours or drinks you can make!

4. Dress for the Weather

It's important to dress appropriately for the weather to keep cool during the summer months. Opt for loose-fitting, lightweight clothes made from breathable fabrics such as cotton or linen. Light-coloured clothing can also help reflect the sun's rays and keep you cool. It's time for light coloured pastels. Also, do not forget to accessorise yourself accordingly. You may carry an umbrella with you as a stylish accessory (which I would definitely do if I would have to step out). And don't even think of forgetting your sun-glasses. Plus, remember to put UV-protective make-up and sunscreen as per your skin type. So, what's your vogue summer style?

If you are willing to try something new, something natural and organic and connect with sustainable fashion, you can also check out Amala Earth's Summer collection here. You may avail amazing discounts starting 10% or more!

5. Plan Outdoor Activities Early or Late in the Day

Ahh, but what if you want to hang out with your friends over street-(s)-hopping or go to the beach or go for a swim or play outdoor sports? If you want to enjoy outdoor activities during the summer, it's best to plan them early in the morning or late in the evening when the sun is not at its peak. This will help you avoid the heat and make the most of your time outdoors.

6. Re-kindle your passion or discover a new one

Well, I am definitely not talking about hot passionate tinder dates, naughty! Summer vacations can also be a great opportunity to learn something. You may have had a hobby, but not the time to pursue it. Or, you are planning to upskill yourself. Sign up for a summer course, attend a workshop or seminar, or simply use YouTube free tutorials around your subject area. And start watching - doing - learning. This will not only help you beat the summer heat blues but also improve your skills and knowledge simultaneously.

7. Bring out your inner Vasco-Da-Gama

Who said that the ideal travel times for you can only be during monsoons? If the heat in your area is really getting to you, consider traveling to cooler destinations to escape the heat. Mountainous regions, beach resorts with cool sea breezes, or even colder countries can be great options. Not only will you escape the heat, but you can also explore new places and cultures. Plus, in some places the prices may be less as well during summer months. Why not embark on your very own travel adventure story like Amazon Abhijan?

In conclusion, beating the summer heat and making the most of your vacation requires a combination of smart planning and healthy habits. By following the above tips, you can make your summer vacation both productive and enjoyable. What tips do you have for summers? Comment down below!

In the mean time, would you love to share a summer hot tip with me? You can do so by buying me an Amazon gift card. You can use one of the following email addresses: or 


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