In this present world of 21st century, in this era of artificial intelligence and virtual reality, at times, our lives seems dull, monochrome and palled with illusions than truth. Despite having a packed schedule, sure enough to render us more busier than ever, often compelling us to compete neck - to - neck with machines, we feel our inner self drenched out and seeking escape. An escape - into the realm which seems alive only within our hearts. A realm, where the truth always triumphs. A realm of an ideal world, inspiring us to strive and create it in reality. A realm, we call fantasy - captured in the works of fiction.
And even more ironical is the fact that the enormous "information" presented to us everyday, through non - fiction perspectives of people, often include a lot of perception biases, making the whole matter of 'truth', far from reality. As the popular saying by Mark Twain goes,
" It's no wonder truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense. "
Indeed every word of it is justified, almost everyday through the scientific discoveries revealing unknown aspects of the established beliefs, which are at times quite contradictory and the numerous investigations which present a complete different story from what is previously presented to the media. And, the underlying truth is, most of these searches take cue and are inspired by popular works of fiction.
Take another instance - love, which has turned into an abstract concept nowadays. And the entry of social media and virtual reality, has indeed set the status of most relationships as complicated. Then, where from would those feelings of united till death, be reinstilled! It is from fictions. Actually, the belief in true love can be garnered through fictions. Moreover, the entire gamut of romance - needed to establish and retain a healthy relationship, takes a lot of creative ideas from fiction. Fiction has the magic to rekindle the lost spark in a relationship as well.
Apart from this, with the whole world succumbed in either war, or heinous crimes or intense rat - race, we often become severely intrigued by the question of our safety and existence. Although living in a hi - tech era, insecurities seems looming everywhere. And then, it is in this world of fiction we find solace. Often we live the lives we dream of, through the characters of the story. Stressed by the steep chase for almost every thing, we enter a world, which seems to provide a lot of satisfaction and indeed is a stress buster. The works of fiction keeps our hopes alive, when everyday, these seem to face a shattering blow.
Many might say, fiction is for day - dreamers, and provides a temporary comfort, which yields no good. Well, killing thyself in frustration, or turning into a drug addict is no good either. Further, facts taught that birds fly, fictions paved the way for the flight of humans.
Hence, everyone should read fiction.
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