5 Charities which make Christmas special for Children
Hello and Welcome back, dear Chai buddies! Hope you are having a great time preparing for Christmas. As Christmas is just around the corner, it's important to remember that some people are not as fortunate as others. And the joy of Christmas multiplies through sharing and caring. So, this festive season, make a difference by donating to a charity that supports the less fortunate. Here are 5 charities that help make Christmas joyful for all the 'little humans' among us.
1. Make a wish
The Make-A-Wish Foundation grants the wishes of children all year long, especially those suffering from critical illness or do not have sufficient medical support. But particularly around the holidays, the Make-a-wish foundation also collaborates with businesses to raise money to fulfill all wishes of children associated with the foundation. Every time one drops off a letter for Santa at a Macy's location, the retailer gives $1 to Make-A-Wish. Additionally, one may support Make-A-Wish by making purchases connected to ongoing promotions. When you make a purchase, the linked business will give a share to Make-A-Wish.
2. Prison Fellowship Angel Tree
Often it is the families of those behind bars who suffer the most. From social bias to financial blues they are often at the receiving end of the punishment along with the one incarcerated. But indeed, children do not need to or deserve to be punished ruthlessly for crimes they haven't even committed right! Prison Fellowship Organization's Angel Tree program comes to the rescue here. Children who have at least one parent behind bars can receive assistance through the Christian charity Prison Fellowship Organization's Angel Tree program. Through the program, volunteers bring such children a gift and a message both from their jailed parent as well as the Gospel. A Bible in either English or Spanish is also given to each family.
3. The Salvation Army Angel Tree
The Salvation Army foundation and Walmart collaborate under a program called: the Angel Tree program, to provide new clothes and toys for children in need. Walmart retail floors house Christmas trees collection with tags on them. There is one specific child's wish list on each tag. Donors choose an angel tag, purchase the gifts mentioned in the wish list (perhaps even outside of Walmart), and then deliver the presents for the Salvation Army to be distributed among the children.
4. Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child is a project of the Christian charity Samaritan's Purse which seeks to bring joy to children all over the world - through the means of a small shoebox. Every year the charity collects shoebox packages from donors worldwide, which contain gifts such as clothes, candies, hygiene products, toys, and school supplies. The donors choose a child's age range and whether it is for a boy or a girl and print a label accordingly. Then, they fill the box with appropriate goods for that age range along with a 10$ bill to cover the shipping cost by the foundation. Donors can drop off the box at collection camps. Also, donors may choose to donate online, get a specific label for it & follow the shoebox's trip to its destination.
5. One Simple Wish
Thousands of kids affected by abuse or neglect in the foster care system are the focus of One Simple Wish, which tries to show them love and compassion. By looking through the website's requests, which range from a Sephora shopping spree to a new camera, donors may now fulfill a child's fantasies. The desires include the details about the child, their interests, and the costs of the wishes. Donors can even contribute toward a greater goal, such as furniture or car payments for older children. Additionally, it is also possible to make a monthly financial contribution.
So, my Chai buddies, here are five charities that support children for Christmas. I would love to know about more such charities from around the world, which have a tradition of supporting Children during Christmas. Let me know in the comment section if you know about them.
Now how should you choose which charity to donate to?
You must look out for those charities which are easily accessible to you, the impact that they have achieved so far and plan to achieve with your donations and levels of transparency in the way they conduct their operations.
Let me know which charity you chose to support. I will see you in my next blog, till then, take care, and Stay safe.
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