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Showing posts from March, 2017

Theoritical concepts or Practical reality

So, you and your best friend are always on a debate with each other over this very serious issue. And, you seek a solution to it, too. He or she is your best friend after all. But then, you also do not wish to give up your stand. Now, what to do. Well, don't freak out, with your friend Prabhasini standing stout. Let's dive into this confusing battle of ages between theory vs. practical, and solve it once and for ever. Now, first of all, we all must know, that we all are different. And this is the essence of life and key reason for celebration. So, its really really important and also essential for everybody to understand, what works the best for him / her. Someone might be a completely theoretical person, while the other - a purely practical person. Hence, lets initially determine - the type which is suitable to you. So let's begin... You love to know the Reason Why. You love to spend a lot of time gaining a deeper understanding of the underlying principles which leads...