A report published by Hindustan times reveals that there's been a 68% rise in Indian students traveling abroad for education with over 7 lakh students going abroad in 2022. Indians till date have a preference to travel and settle in a foreign land, and more often than not believe that they can access better opportunities only by living abroad. While many Indians may have a rosy image of foreign life which promises higher pay, higher quality of life (which is at least true on paper of various reports example: World Happiness report) and a lot more; it is often observed that Indians fail to cross check reality in numerous grounds. And these pose a serious challenge for them later on - especially if they plan to be in a new country with their families which include their children. Imagine being in a new country, where perhaps you don't even speak the local language properly, do not know anyone, and suddenly one fine day - you find your children being 'kidnapped' by local...