Welcome back! So you are a social bee - and a serious social bee. You not just love to socialise - rather, you wish to figure out why people behave that particular way - what would be their reactions in a given situation - overall - you wish to explore human relationships. Then congrats - you are an aspiring sociologist. And if your peers or 'padosi' is somehow trying to undermine you based on your choice of subject - relax. And tell them - you play a great role in the smooth maintenance of the society. How! 1. Sociologists are in huge demand to figure out criminals - crime motives - or criminal motives in people. So, they are often employed by various organisations, police and security teams in order to understand the crime scene better or preventing crime from happening by getting early signs of it. 2. Most corporates hire sociologists - quite contrary to the notion that they do not find jobs in the corporate world. They are in demand so that they can help in resol...